The Gold Door first opened in the early 90's in Portland, Oregon's historic Hawthorne neighborhood as an antique mall. We are now one of the Pacific Northwest's leading resources for gemstone jewelry, including many original, one of a kind designer pieces. We also sell folk, tribal and devotional art from all over the world. We literally travel to the ends of the earth to find irresistible and exotic treasures to tempt our customers!

Our Specialties

  • Our Jewlery selection includes, but is not limited to, earrings, bracelets, rings, pendants and full necklaces set in sterling silver with and without stones. But we do have settings made of wood, glass, gold plate, brass and copper. We carry artists from all over the world including Rob Hair, Mercurious Desings, and Garry Thompson as well as a variety of South West Native American artists. Our countless pieces come to us in a couple of ways. Always hand picked, we buy pieces already set, or we buy loose stones, design the piece and have them set for us by artists that we work with in Bali, India, Brazil, or right here in Portland.

    We have the largest selection of jewelry in Portland if not in all of the Northwest. The styles we carry are as varied as our sources, inlcuding tribal, comtepmorary, classic simple faceted, industrial, vintage, artisan, Islamic, Arabic, just to name a few. We have an amazing variety of set stones from every corner of the earth, anywhere from Tiger's Eye, to Emeralds, to Amber and even things most have never heard of, like Lybian Desert Glass. Metiorites to lava rock, you name it and we can probably adorn you with it!



    An extension of Hinduism, Buddhism is the dominant religion of eastern and central Asia. Until the believer learns that the world is a complex obstacle preventing them from reaching freedom and enlightenment, their destiny is to repeat the cycle of death and rebirth. Buddhists believe that the only way to be free of this cycle is to rid themselves of desire and give up their sense of self. For thousands of years, this religion has taught humanity, compassion, understanding and selflessness. Millions of people from all over the world believe that Buddhism is the true path to enlightenment.

    The Gold Door has a noteworthy representation of Buddhist deities, including Kuan-Yin, derived from Buddhist god Avalokitesvara as a male deity, then transformed over time into a goddess of healing.


    Christianity is represented in various forms at The Gold Door, including iconography, jewelry and art. From traditional rosaries and crosses to statuary of saints and Madonnas, you will discover a vast collection of Christian imagery from different countries.

    From Mexico, images of Guadalupe, the patron virgin, are available in many forms, from glitzy folk dioramas, to gold and silver leafed statuary and antique retablos which are folk paintings on tin giving thanks for a particular wish granted or miracle received.

    Coptic Christian jewelry, icons, bibles and wands from Ethiopia are also available. The collection ranges from new to bibles and prayer books that are several hundred years old. These antique collectors' items are bound in wood with hand written on Thompson Gazelle skin parchment in the archaic language Ge'ez.


    The Hindu pantheon is a diverse body of religion, philosophy and cultural practice native predominantly to India. Hindus believe in the Brahman, an infinite principle that had no beginning or end…it is the essence of all existence. Some of their basic beliefs are transmigration (the passing of a soul into another body after death), reincarnation (a cycle of death and rebirth in another form) and karma (the effect of a person's actions that determine their destiny in the next incarnation).

    You'll find a diverse array of Hindu statuary at The Gold Door, including the spectacular ones shown to the right of Hanuman, Kali and Ganesh. Our extensive collection also includes Shiva, Durga and Brahma to name just a few. There you'll find Kuan-Yin, the goddess of compassion and healing, Ganesha, god of luck and of "opening the way", Ratnasambhava, deity and protector and Vishnu, preserver of the universe, among other intricately detailed pieces.


    Spiritism is a term related to a group of religions based on ancestral deities. Rooted in an ancient system of devotion and ritual communication, it was brought to the Americas by slaves from Africa's west coast. Very much alive today, these belief systems manifest as Santeria in the Caribbean islands.

    Orishas such as Yemaya, goddess of the sea and mother of all, Chango, Orisha of lightning, passion and dance, and Oshun, goddess of love and beauty, are a part of everyday life.

    In Brazil, Candomble, which resembles Santeria but has several variations such as Umbanda, a more grass roots/urban influenced sect that incorporates slave and Indian spirits, freely melds with Catholocism.

    Haitians practice a more free form religion called vodoun (voodoo). Ritual and symbolism are especially important and ceremonies involve brightly sequined "flags", bottles and costumes to help awaken the sleeping lwa (spirit).

    The Gold Door prides itself in its collection of sculpture and ritual artifacts representing these world religions. Our offerings are authentic, collected from the source and offered with love at very affordable prices.

  • The tarot is a pack of playing cards, used from the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe to play games such as Italian tarocchini and French tarot. In the late 18th century, it began to be used for divination.

    Like common playing cards, the tarot has four suits (which vary by region: French suits in Northern Europe, Latin suits in Southern Europe, and German suits in Central Europe). Each suit has 14 cards, ten cards numbering from one (or Ace) to ten and four face cards (King, Queen, Knight, and Jack/Knave). In addition, the tarot has a separate 21-card trump suit and a single card known as the Fool. Depending on the game, the Fool may act as the top trump or may be played to avoid following suits.

    We currently have more than 180+ decks, from the Dali Deck to the most recently released decks available today. Come in and find the deck that best suits you.

  • Indigenous Art

    The Gold Door features authentic art from Africa, Niger, Mexico, Brazil, and many others from all four corners of the Earth.

    We sell folk, tribal and devotional art and other irresistible and exotic treasures we find in our travels. Everything we sell has been hand picked by our knowledgeable and discerning staff. Our unique inventory of rare and interesting art allows you to travel vicariously through us and to share in our joy of finding that special, the one-of-a-kind artifact that can only be found here.

    Mexican Folk Art

    Mexican folk art exhibits some of the most powerful examples of human expression and magical realism known. Our collection is seemingly endless, consisting of over 3,000 pieces. Among the works represented you will discover everything from simple, colorful whimsy to our extensive collection representing the Mexican holiday, Day of the Dead.

    Colorful carved wooden masks from the state of Guerero grace our walls. Large papier-mache skeletal figures by the Linares family of Mexico City greet you as you enter The Gold Door. Brightly painted and carved wooden animals from Oaxaca, known as alebrije come in all shapes and sizes. Ceramics from the Aguilar family include their famous "ladies of the night", devils, skeletal and Frida images.

    Ever popular is our collection of images of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, famous for her self-portraits, activism and tumultuous but passionate marriage to painter Diego Rivera. You will find a myriad of images of her work on decorated boxes and alters, shrines, purses and jewelry.

    The masked Mexican wrestling known as Lucha Libre is a fun yet very serious contemporary folk tradition. Filling arenas twice a week in Mexico City, the champ and newcomers battle it out while performing gravity defying flips and jumps to win a place in the hearts of thousands of fans. We have a large collection of authentic masks, dolls, key rings, wrestling rinks and photos of many Luchadors, all collected at the arenas in Mexico City.

    Brazilian Folk Art

    Brazil is a mosaic of cultures with indigenous Indian, European and African influences. It is the fifth largest nation in the world with a population of 170,000,000 that speaks Brazilian Portuguese.

    The scope of Brazilian folk art is vast and varied. From Amazonia The Gold Door features a wide range of decorative jewelry and accessories made of polished coconut and various tropical seeds as well as a selection of eco-sensitive art including beautiful feathered items.

    Handmade musical instruments made of native materials are available. These include the Berimbau, an instrument played during the Brazilian Martial Arts style dance, Capoeira. We also carry rattles, drums and the cuica, a friction drum.

    Carved wooden bowls, implements of wood and coconut palm, textiles, fiber masks and tooled leather objects are just some of the items we offer.

    We have a selection of contemporary paintings depicting scenes from daily life, Carnaval and Samba. Decorative objects and costume remnants of Brazilian Carnaval are among some of the colorful items from Brazil you'll find at The Gold Door.


    Haiti was the first free black nation in the world. Slave revolts that began in 1791 resulted in a declaration of independence on January 1, 1804. Rich cultural influences that contribute to the uniqueness of Haiti include the melding of French Colonialists, the indigenous Tainos Indians and West African slaves.

    The artistic expression of Haiti is a result of these cultural influences, blending of African religions (Vodou) and Catholicism, the environment, severe poverty and Haiti's close proximity to the United States.

    Among the various works we have collected in Haiti, you will find many examples of "Drapeau Vodou," also known as Vodou flags. These flags consist of densely sequined and beaded fabric panels representing various manifestations of Haitian "Loa" or Vodou "Gods". Bold in color and rich in symbolism, you will find works by Myrlande Constant, Yve Telemac, Maxon & George Valris among other artists. We also offer sequined spirit dolls and bottles as well as amulet packets used in Vodou ceremonies.

    Steel drum art is made from recycled oil drums and car body panels. This art form emerged mid-twentieth century and was fed by resources (trash) left behind by occupying forces. It is a labor-intensive venture that involves heating, flattening, cutting and hammering the raw metal into beautiful images representing scenes from nature, Haitian life and religious iconography.

    Among our Haitian collection you will find carved wood figures, fabric dolls and various paintings in traditional Haitian styles.

  • This solid silver and nickel jewelry is made by a clan of 69 Tuareg jewelers in central Niger. All of the jewelry is handcrafted using ancient metal-working techniques.

    The Tuareg are traditional nomads of the Sahara Desert and renown silversmiths. Each piece is meticulously engraved with their motifs and represents a thousand years of history.

  • Do you ever have a special occasion that calls for a gift that is truly out of the ordinary? Something that the recipient would never expect? The Gold Door has endless gift ideas featuring fascinating items from all around the world. Here you'll find everything from sequined bottles and flags from Haiti to statues celebrating Mexico's Day of the Dead, with a plethora of all things exotic and beautiful in between. We specialize in having a multitude of unique and unusual things that you won't find anywhere else.

    Doing your gift shopping at The Gold Door is certain to be an experience you'll remember and will ensure that you'll be giving someone special something that they'll never forget!

    The Gold Door has earned a well-deserved reputation for always having an abundance of beautiful, out of the ordinary items including breathtaking jewelry for yourself or a gift, original paintings and other incredible art from around the world, retro home furnishings that will accent your home and much more.

    Coming into our store is an experience you'll want to enjoy again and again, once you see the overwhelming selection of colorful, wonderful things we have to offer. It would be a challenge to see everything in one visit!